Hi all,

I was a former physician, microbiologist, I did research on infectious diseases. I startup a A.I.-based infection data platform to help hospital to prevent patient death from serious infections.

I am also a technology enthusiast. Not only I studied photoshop, HTML, python, etc but also I learned BTC from my colleague in the lab, and bought BTC in 2013 but sold it all. But I still keep eyes on the development of blockchain industry. I'm also the moderator of three top projects.

After I launched a new quality platform for nursing, I noticed the discursive power of patients are getting bigger, which means healthcare system are paying more attention to them in order to provide a better healthcare service.

So, I propose and launch the 'patients help patients DAO', let's write the story together.

Connect with ClarkWang.eth


Ph.D. in Infectious Diseases, founder of an A.I.-driven healthcare startup. MOD @phaverapp @HallidayHQ . Build @PatientsHelpDAO. https://linktr.ee/clarkwang